Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Thinking, What is?

 “People don't like to think, if one thinks, one must reach conclusions. Conclusions are not always pleasant”

It is true in more ways than you would want to agree. It all lies behind the big actuality that we find it easier to run from realities than otherwise. But, then again what are realties? Have you ever asked that question to yourself? I always think that death is the only permanent thing around us and nothing can beat that. It is true in a way, but there are subplots. The subplots are the ones that keep us busy, but yet we choose to throw them away. We never really create them.

It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation”

Everyone I know has a hard time worrying about what others are doing, and then adapting the same in their life.  This lack of originality is killing us every day before the ultimate truth finally falls on us. We don’t want to think our way through matters of importance. We feed our brain with things that don’t really matter much. We let others take our decisions, or better, we don’t take decisions at all. What are we doing, if not participating in a dumb muffled march to the grave? If we don’t think, are we actually living?

“There is no inherent purpose to life. Create your own”

It is always about asking the right questions, to yourself. Think it through within yourself. The questions that trouble you are the questions that would matter eventually. So, how do we expect to decide on something when the need arises? If we are not mentally strong, we are not really doing much about anything else around us, as I said it has always been a lonely walk to the grave. Everything around us is mostly an illusion, nothing except the thoughts in our head stay, but yet we fill out heads with things that have a temporary stay. Only those who do their tit-bits of pondering day-in and day-out, or least once in a while, are the ones who are near to that state of being able to decide when the need arises. The same ones who try to know themselves in peaceful hours.

“Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.”

Everything is this world is relative, and it is justified in one way or the other. It doesn't matter how a million people would think similarly on something, you should and must know that you can think differently on that, because it is your thought process that counts, not a random strangers. It is just you. There is no one else. There has never been anyone else. Just the illusions.

Start thinking before it is too late, start thinking and making mental notes before it is all over. Go observe people and wonder why they are doing what they are doing. The peaceful hours are the ones that count in the end, start reflecting and questioning and believe me you will enjoy the subplots that come along.

Thought Clouds: Fill them up. They create subplots.


  1. loved the posts on Temet Nosce, love,hope,acceptance,thinking and hope. Every thing written is so true, all of us can relate to it coz all these human emotions are universal.There is so much depth in these beautiful writings it does leads one to introspection.Each and every line is so true, it appears as collection of quotes :)
